Black Walnut Farms Policies
Black Walnut Farms seeks to re-introduce you to Nature’s gifts. Here is a place to feel the earth beneath your feet, to sense the air & sun touching your skin, to breathe with an animal, and to see the tiny & grand wonders of Creation. Our agritourism is created as a retreat from lifestyle stressors, opportunities to expand awareness & knowledge, refreshment for body & soul!
The following policies are set to help us all to support these intentions….

BY RESERVATION ONLY … All Walks, Farm Tours, & other Events are for ticket-holders only. Tickets are not sold at the door.
BOUNDARIES … Please don’t expect to enter pastures and animal habitats. We are not set up as a petting zoo; but rather as a space to view and ask questions, to learn and watch the antics of our fun and sweet critters. Now, having said that, our goats will surely climb the fence to meet you. They are exceedingly gregarious and curious! Our alpacas, however; while very curious, really prefer not to be touched and like a low-key energy around them. Still, they’ll likely peek through a fence to say hi!
KIDS … Children are welcome to join their parents on walks; however here are some things to consider as you make your reservation: 1) strollers may not work very well on our terrain and will most likely scare the crazies out of our already zany guineas … 2) this is the great outdoors – there will be weeds and bugs and wild animals and sounds and sights and sometimes mud and dirt. Just sayin’. … 3) no roaming allowed. All guests must stay together with the group. All children must be supervised directly by their parent. 4) our educational tours/walks are geared toward adults but we know there are some children who will be fabulously fully-engaged participants & we hope they will come! Further … Look for “Young’ns on the Farm” opportunities in 2023 including a storytime with the critters!
BATHROOM? … We provide an outdoor “porta jon” & handwashing station for your convenience.
PHONES, CAMERAS …. We begin each and every walk & event at Black Walnut Farms with a moment of awareness. You’ll be asked to take a moment to breathe in and out, to notice with all of your senses, to pause. This sets our intention for taking in our full experience. You will also be invited to set your phones and cameras aside during your walk or activity; and rather than recording your experiences, to deeply and slowly experience your experiences while here. We know you’ll want some pics! Maybe you simply only take one or two .. .or perhaps you let go of your devices for awhile and then grab some shots before you leave. You can also take home a “polaroid” that we take for you! Also, please, please do not take or initiate calls or texts while engaged in your walk/event if at all possible.
INCLEMENT WEATHER & CANCELLATIONS … Unless it’s a major storm (ice, lightening,) we proceed on as planned so please dress accordingly! We do not refund registrations but we do everything we can to help you reschedule to another date. If you must cancel or reschedule, please notify us as quickly as you can so that we will know if you’re still coming! (just a phone message or email is fine.) 24 hour notice from you means that you get the opportunity to reschedule.
NOT ALLOWED … For the safety of the all of Nature and of our animals, we do not allow balloons, tobacco products, vaping, chewing gum, outside treats for animals or for yourselves, (no food or drink please,) littering, or any other animals on the property. Please leave your pets at home.