RV sites now available – Tiny Cabins coming in Fall 2023
call to chat about options for you … 803-868-5451
We’ll help you create your personal retreat! 2 informal RV sites are available & tiny cabins coming in a few months for short overnight retreats for Nature-lovers, artsy folks needing to refill the well of inspiration, passersby, and anyone needing a nourishing re-charge.
Sleep in or wake up with the roosters & watch the farmstead come to life. See the guinea fowl’s morning descent from the trees … and evening ascent back up to their treetop bedrooms! Take a brisk morning hike and a gentle evening stroll.
Choose from a little menu of add-on possibilities when available: Morning Tea, individualized meditation-in-Nature study, educational walk & talks, massage therapy, creative self-expression, ….