Guided Walk to Tour the Farmstead

April 2, 2023 @ 2:00 pm 3:00 pm

45 minutes – Take an easy guided stroll around the farmstead … Visit the Medicine Garden & learn a bit about the benefits of traditional herbs & local native plants. Meet & learn about our curious Huacaya Alpacas, our friendly Nubian Goats, the Honeybees, & our variety of frisky yardbirds -turkeys, chickens, and guinea fowl abound- as well as some history of the land & our farmstead practices. As the walk ends, please enjoy a browse & a bit of herbal refreshment in our Little Country Store & Tiny Tea Room.

$10.00 per person (ask about group rates!)


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Meditation in Nature

April 13, 2023 @ 11:00 am 12:30 pm

“Breathe | Relax | Feel | Watch | Allow” … This will be a study of how to apply meditation practices in your life now, how to reap the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of simply being present, bathed in the moment. Whether you are just now looking into meditation or you have been a meditator for years, this is simply for us all. Your teacher, Jan, has practiced for 30+ years & considers herself a beginner each and every time she dives into meditation. A wholistic wellness practitioner, she says she’s both teacher & student of the path of Yoga, Ayurveda, herbalism, & music therapy. She describes her calling as “simply sharing my Sadhana.” (Sadhana, a Sanskrit word meaning roughly, The Path & The Practices, as well as My Practices that bring me back to awareness of My Path.) – 90 minutes & herbal refreshments available afterwards in The Tiny Tea Room. PLEASE REGISTER BY APRIL 6th. (future options! … A 6-week Meditation Series coming this Summer)

$25.00 per person


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Guided Walk to Tour the Farmstead

October 22, 2022 @ 2:00 pm 3:00 pm

Guided Walks at 2pm every Sat/Sun through Dec 17, 2022 – Tour the Farmstead! Take a stroll in our Medicine Garden brimming with traditional herbs & beneficial natives, take a hike around the Huacaya Alpaca pasture & Nubian Goat yard, take a moment to breathe in Nature’s peaceful forested woodlands, & take another moment to laugh at Guinea Fowl antics.



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Sneak Peek – Guided Walk to Tour the Farmstead

September 25, 2022 @ 2:00 pm 3:00 pm

Opening the weekend of the Autumnal Equinox, you’re invited to come welcome Fall & tour the farmstead! Take a stroll in our Medicine Garden brimming with traditional herbs & beneficial natives, take a hike around the Huacaya Alpaca pasture & the Nubian Goat yard, take a moment to breathe in Nature’s glorious forested areas and another moment to laugh at Guinea Fowl antics. Special sneak peek price $5



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Create a Wild-Crafted Autumn Wreath!

September 24, 2022 @ 3:00 pm 4:30 pm

A hands-on & Nature-centered Creativity Happening after Saturday’s walk. Materials provided including fresh herbs & wild-foraged goodies. Take home a beautiful freshly-scented natural wreath to honor the new season!



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